Thursday, December 8, 2011

Well, its been a damn long time since I posted here.  The past couple years in review:

  • Christopher is almost 16months now
  • I left the Harpers in search of "greener pastures" found a job working on elevators, learned a a lot and had fun for the first bit until I started spending more time on the road away from family and was coming home too tired to do anything.  Most of my co-workers were pretty cool though.
  • Moved to Colorado Springs to escape the horrible air quality/pollen, close minded bible thumpers, and really just to explore, I have always been curious what it is like to live out west, here I am and so far it is fantastic.  Bike lanes and greenways are everywhere, World class trails out my back door, cost of living is actually better than in Knox here in the springs.
  • I work in a new bike shop, Bicycle Experience, as a wrench and so far it is going pretty good.  I like the people I work with and I have the perfect commute to work, 95% greenways and a little dirt.  I literally make half what I did at the elevator company ( also cut expenses almost in half) but I would say my quality of life has doubled.  Now if only they carried Giant...
Right now my plans with this blog is really to just have a good place to come back and check out things I have done in the past, I will update when I get bored or have some cool pics but not gonna try to make it a daily thing.  

Riding/racing goals right now are fairly open.  I am trying to ride as much as possible and climb everything I can find, usually pulling a baby trailer.  I am gonna feel out my fitness come spring but I would love to attempt the Colorado Trail Race but that takes A LOT of fitness and I do not know if it is reasonable to attempt such a lofty goal.

In 2013 I would LOVE to either give the Tour Divide a go, or if I can talk Jessica into it attempt a cross country tour with baby man following behind in the trailer.

Here are some pics that I have taken since we have been here:

When your bike stick out past the sides of your car, cover it when driving slushy roads when it is below freezing...lesson learned

 Garden of the Gods "Balanced Rock"  pulling babyman.  Tried to chase down a roadie but 40lb Xtracycle with 40lbs of baby and trailer, I did not make it.

 High Drive up in Cheyenne Canyon, who says an Xtracycle can't climb
 America the Beautiful Park with Jessica and Babyman, it is about 4 miles of flatish greenways to get here, although we usually take this cool little dirt greenway detour to ad a few miles.

 Me and Nate from work hiked The Incline today.  It is where the Cog Railway used to run up to the top of Pikes Peak, I think it has an average of 48% grade with a max of 69% and gains 2000ft of elevation in just 1 hurt
 Honda did surprisingly well pulling this load across the country with the exception of the crank pulley coming loose and we had to get towed, order part, wait, fix car and keep going.  Its ok, there was great mexican within walking distance and Jessica got to do shots of tequila with me on our day of waiting for parts to show.
 This was at about 12k ft up Pikes Peak, they would not allow us to go higher because of ice on the road
More pics will come later as I find them/get motivated.  Thanks for reading

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